Friday, 18 August 2023

Another Blake’s 7 Exclusive

Chrisi Pashley provides narration and detailed sound design for Gothic, a short story by David Tulley.

This was originally scripted as a teaser for the full cast Blake’s 7 adventure, The Mark of Kane (available as part of the Ultimate Download Megapack).

To get your hands on this new audio production, which features a superb cameo from Brian Croucher as Travis, simply click on the first link above for a FREE download.

The Magic Bullet team would also like to express their gratitude to artist Timothy Stephen Keable, for providing a splendid illustration to complement the release.

Postcards of both Gothic and Horror of Fang Rock will be given to anyone who orders a Faction Paradox or Kaldor City CD from this website. 

 More free Blake’s 7 audio adventures are available here:

Travis: The Final Line

You Fly, You Die

Wednesday, 9 August 2023


This wonderful "Horror of Fang Rock" postcard, with kind permission from artist Timothy Stephen Keable, will be given away to anyone who orders either a Faction Paradox or Kaldor City CD from this site.

Offer valid while stocks last!

Monday, 7 August 2023

New Image of the Fendahl

Finally, here is Andy Lambert's splendid wrap-around cover, minus the Celestial Toyroom logo and issue number.

Wednesday, 2 August 2023


Since the 2nd of June, there have been 560 downloads of You Fly, You Die, and from the 2nd of March, 1,378 downloads of Travis: The Final Line
Don't forget, these Blake's 7 audio plays are absolutely free!