Thursday, 27 February 2025


Magic Bullet Productions is releasing a brand new, free-to-download audio adventure featuring the Daleks on March 2nd. 
The story boasts an impressive cast, including Ian Reddington, Trevor Cooper, Brian Croucher, Robert Barringer-Lock, and Alistair Lock.
To celebrate, artist Timothy Steven Keable has created a fantastic promotional illustration, which will be the eighth addition to the set of Doctor Who/Blake's 7 art cards sent to every customer who buys a Kaldor City or Faction Paradox CD from here.
As a further bonus, this will also include the card autographed by Sasha Mitchell. 

Meanwhile, to access Magic Bullet's range of free-to-download Blake's 7 audios, please click the links below:

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Exclusive Offer!

 Nice to see a recent customer taking advantage of our Special Offer where you can order either Kaldor City: Occam's Razor, or Faction Paradox: Coming to Dust, and get another CD for half price!

Once again, our bonus Blake's 7/Doctor Who art cards will be included, plus a signiture from Sasha Mitchelll.

All orders can be made via this link.

Saturday, 22 February 2025

A Helpful Reminder...

Even if purchasing only a single Faction Paradox or Kaldor City CD, you will still receive your seven bonus Blake's 7/Doctor Who art cards, plus an autograph from Sasha Mitchell.

 Visit our orders page and discover the these great dramas for yourself!

Meanwhile, download and enjoy these free Blake's 7 audios:

Wednesday, 5 February 2025


We're thrilled to announce that the orders page on the Magic Bullet website is now LIVE after a brief technical hiatus!
To prove its worth, we've just received a fantastic overseas order for a complete set of Faction Paradox CDs! With this purchase, our customer will be sent:
A personalized autograph from the legendary Gabriel Woolf
A set of seven exclusive Doctor Who and Blake's 7 art cards
An additional signature from the talented Sasha Mitchell
The bonus CD Daleks: The Mechanical Planet
Visit our orders page now and discover the magic for yourself! 
Equally, download and enjoy these free Blake's 7 audios:

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Rootin' for the Rutan

Explore another classic Doctor Who adventure with this fun article 38 Cool Things about "Horror of Fang Rock". Discover intriguing insights, including a historic lighthouse, a terrifying green blob monster, and a thought-provoking critique of capitalism.

As a reminder, anyone who orders a Faction Paradox or Kaldor City CD from this site will receive a bonus gift of seven Doctor Who/Blake's 7 art cards, including the one illustrated below.

 Offer valid while stocks last!