Wednesday 10 July 2024

The Siren Call

On the heels of Magic Bullet’s release of the free-to-download audio play Blake’s 7: Scars, Siren Radio presenter Alex Lewczuk speaks to Chrisi Pashley, Alistair Lock, and Alan Stevens about current and future projects.

Please click this link.

 More free audio stories are available here:

Friday 28 June 2024

A Further Reminder...

Any customer who buys all 12 Magic Bullet CDs (Kaldor City & Faction Paradox Combined) will recive two signatures (Gabriel Woolf and Brian Croucher), five Doctor Who/Blake's 7 art cards, and the bonus CD Daleks: The Mechanical Planet.

To order, please click the link here.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

A Reminder...

Even if you are purchasing only a single Kaldor City or Faction Paradox CD, you will still receive your five bonus Doctor Who/Blake's 7art cards.

Your free-to-download Blake's 7 audio plays are available here:

Saturday 22 June 2024

Sutekh's Six CD Set!

Experience the True History of the Typhonian beast, and receive his gift of a bonus signature from Gabriel Woolf. 

 To order, please click the link here.

Thursday 20 June 2024

A Mini Interview!

At the recent SEEK LOCATE CELEBRATE Blake's 7 convention, Alan Stevens had the good fortune to speak to costume designer June Hudson.

ALAN: What was your thinking behind the silver motif applied to the Travis uniform you made for Brian Croucher?

JUNE: Well, he was taking over the part from Stephen Greif, and, as I recall, the former Travis had an embossed version of the Federation emblem on the front of his uniform.
ALAN: That's right, but Brian's insignia consisted of two transposed silver triangles...
JUNE: I do recall the design. Two overlapping triangles, signalling opposite directions. 
ALAN: So one was pointing back to the Steven Greif...?
JUNE: Yes. My underlying intention was to subtly recognise that Travis had been played by two actors. So one was a pointer to the past, and the other was an arrow to the future.
ALAN: That is very clever!
JUNE: Thank you!

Wednesday 19 June 2024


A thousand postcards featuring Timonthy Stephen Keable's superb promotional artwork for Blake's 7: Scars are now with us.

This (with the four other cards already available) will be given out as a bonus to customers ordering Kaldor City or Faction Paradox CDs from this website.

Please click the link for your free audio play download of Blake's 7: Scars

 More free audio stories are available here: