Friday 31 May 2019

The Golden Emperor Rides Again

Here's a close-up of JL Fletcher's superb artwork of the Golden Emperor of the Daleks, which was specially commissioned for the giveaway postcard that appears in the latest edition of Celestial Toyroom (issue 494)

Wednesday 29 May 2019

The Golden Emperor models for Celestial Toyroom

Phil Stevens' Golden Emperor Dalek, who inspired the giveaway postcard in this month's Celestial Toyroom, poses with his free issue!

Friday 17 May 2019

Cover for Celestial Toyroom 494 now online!

Alan Stevens' latest editorial work, Celestial Toyroom #494, is now at the printers. To whet your appetite, here's the cover and a link to Alan's editor blog.

Monday 13 May 2019

European Elections Special!

Tired of Brexit? Austerity politics got you down? How about a little escapism with Doctor Who, and a story set in a future in which ordinary people are exploited by corporations entwined with governments intent on extracting every last inch of revenue from citizens and perverting the welfare system.... Oh well. Here's 42 Cool Things About "The Sun Makers" (And 8 Stupid Ones) to at least give you a good laugh on the way to the polls.

Friday 3 May 2019

"Doomed Youth" in Best Of British 2018

Fiona Moore's story "Doomed Youth," a tale of giant ants and populist politics, previously published in Interzone 278, will be reprinted in the Best Of British 2018 collection from Newcon Press! You can pre-order it at the link.