Monday, 11 March 2019

Yartek the High Road and I'll Take The Low Road

This month, we identify 34 Cool Things About "The Keys of Marinus" (and 16 Stupid Ones). Return to a time when men were men and Voords were kinky; when the Doctor was OK with fascism so long as it wasn't aimed at him; when episodes had titles like "The Screaming Jungle"; and when ten acts of graphic violence were acceptable in a TV show going out at 5.30 PM.

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Celestial Toyroom 491: Beautiful wrap-around covers

Here, for your viewing pleasure, are two versions of the full, wrap-around cover of the Alan-Stevens-edited Celestial Toyroom 491 (out now from the Doctor Who Appreciation Society): with and without logos. Click to admire full-size!